Core Module

This module has main functions, which are used to manage NFT schema, NFT Data, and Actions. We can use these 3 data models to provide mutable metadata on the NFT Chain.

Metadata Schema

In order to work with metadata dynamically , we need to define basic information of the NFT from origin chain ( Ethereum, Klaytn or EVM chain ), attributes which will be maintained on NFT Data chain and also actions that process those attributes.

To explain easily how we can create the schema, we can use the command line built from CosmosSDK

sixnftd tx nftmngr create-nft-schema --from alice \
    <BASE64 schema>

<BASE64 schema> is the NFT Schema from the above table in JSON encoded by base64.

NFT Data

There are 2 important parts to the NFT Data. One is data from the origin chain and those attributes maintained in Data Chain. See the table below:

Available function


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