Create Account

Our crated account will be store to 3 difference path, base on where do we want to save it.

First is OS path, store in this path will be permanent and to remove it we have to delete an account directly or clean the devices

Second is Test path, where our key will be locate at $HOME/.six and it will be remove when we re-init new moniker(or use command sixd init)

And the last one is File, we can store to file and to clean or remove account we can remove file that we specify

In this tutorial we recommend to use path OS to make sure that some day our account will not disappear and when the account is out of manage we still can remove it where ever we want.

Create new account / Add new account

Text after "#" is the result of the command

sixd keys add <string_name> --keyring-backend=os
# - name: <key_name>
#   type: local
#   address: <address>
#   pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":<public_key>}'
#   mnemonic: ""
#   **Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
#   It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.
#   <Your_PassPhase>

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