Perform Action of NFT Gen2

Actions can be identify from NFT Schema actions list at:

onchain_data.actions:[{}, {}, {}]

For this example actions is including with: start_mission, claim_jan, claim_feb, claim_mar, claim_apr , ... , claim_dec and transform

There actions from above are action that require 0 of param. To use there action

sixd tx nftmngr perform-action-by-nftadmin <nft-schema-code> <token-id> \
    <action> <ref_id::unique_of_string> "[]" --from <your-address_or_yourkey> \
    --keyring-backend=os --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas-prices 1.25usix \
    --node --chain-id fivenet -y

for example of this command should be:

sixd tx nftmngr perform-action-by-nftadmin six.rocket_ticket 0 \
    claim_dec claim_dec_01 "[]" --from alice \
    --keyring-backend=os --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas-prices 1.25usix -y \
    --node --chain-id fivenet -y

For action that required params are: burn hide_attribute and transfer e

sixd tx nftmngr perform-action-by-nftadmin six.rocket_ticket 0 \
    transfer "[{\"name\":\"points\",\"value\":\"10\"},{\"name\":\"token_id\",\"value\":\"1\"}]" \
    --from alice --keyring-backend=os --node \
    --chain-id fivenet -y

This code above explained how to transfer points between two tokens of the same collection

To see the result of action above if it successful we can use

sixd q nftmngr show-nft-data six.rocket_ticket 0 \

Last updated