
To use the SDK in your Golang project, you must first import it:

import s6 ""

Creating Client

gasPrice := "1.25usix" // default "1.25usix"
clientOptions := &s6.ClientOptions{
	BroadcastMode: "<broadcast-mode>", // default "block"
	GasPrices:     &gasPrice,
client, err := s6.NewClient(
if err != nil {

Broadcast Mode

sync: Wait for the transaction to pass/fail the CheckTx async: Do not wait for the transaction to pass/fail the CheckTx. Instead, send and return the transaction immediately. block: Wait for the transaction to pass/fail the CheckTx, DeliverTx, and be committed to a block. (Note: this is not recommended.)

nodeURL: Endpoint URL for SIX Protocol fivenet: sixnet: armor: An encrypted private key use with passphrase as a secret key. passphrase: Together with encrypted private key is used as a secret key. Here is the detail about how to create both armor and passphrase. chain-id: For testnet , the chain id is "fivenet" and "sixnet" for Testnet and Mainnet

Construct Message

Create a message for each service that you need to use. You can find more messages here

import nftmngrtypes ""
msg := &nftmngrtypes.MsgPerformActionByAdmin{
	Creator:       client.ConnectedAddress,
	NftSchemaCode: "nft-schema-code",
	TokenId:       "<token-id>",
	Action:        "<action-name>",
	RefId:         "<ref-idL>",
	Parameters:    []*nftmngrtypes.ActionParameter{},

Broadcast Transaction

txResponse, err := client.GenerateOrBroadcastTx(msg)


To query the data , you can use read-to-use query client from the constructed client. And for more detail about queries you can use , here is the list.

queryClient := client.QueryClient()


You would need to put the line below at the bottom of your go.mod

replace v1.3.3 => v1.3.3-alpha.regen.1

Last updated