vFINIX is the voting power of decentralized voting. If you are a vFINIX holder, you can exercise your authority to operate the Definix ecosystem by using your vFINIX. Starting with the APR-adjustment voting, it will gradually evolve into a true governance voting system in which vFINIX holders are more deeply involved in setting the direction of the Definix ecosystem.
Voting for APR adjustment
vFINIX holders can vote to decide how to distribute 50% of the FINIX allocated to the Pool/Farm/Rebalancing farm fortnightly.
APR = {(Distributed FINIX *365) *Price of FINIX} / TVL * It depends on the price of FINIX, TVL and the distribution policy. * Distributed FINIX is the sum of Fixed and Vote.
The established amount of FINIX is distributed to each pool, farm, and rebalancing farm. It is not affected by vote results and guarantees fundamental rewards.
Voting results are reset every round, and previous voting results do not affect the amount of FINIX distribution by subsequent voting.
If do not get a vote, there is no additional FINIX reward according to the voting result.
The allocated FINIX will be distributed according to the percentage of votes within the category.
If no pools or farms within a category get a vote, the FINIX allocated to that category will be distributed equally to each Pool, Farm, Rebalancing farm.
In order to secure liquidity of various tokens in the long term, as many FINIXs as possible are allocated to the Farm and adjusted the interest rate range of the Pool.
Voting Policy
1. Voting power
The Voting feature is only limited to vFINIX holders (hereafter “holders”)
The holders can vote for any agenda they wish to exercise their voting power as much as they want.
They can additionally vote for the agenda or others as long as it is open.
They cannot withdraw their power until the voting round is ended. They can only claim their vFINIX as soon as the vote is closed.
2. Voting Period and Update
The voting period (hereafter “round”) for each voting agenda is 7 days (weeks).
Each round closes after 7 days from the moment that is mentioned in the agenda.
The voting result of each round will become effective after 48 hours since the round is closed.
3. Voting Result adjustment
10% of the daily FINIX emission (total 86,400) is distributed to Pool. 50% of the amount distributed to Pool is allocated for the vote.
Voting results are reset every round, and previous voting results do not affect subsequent voting results.
The allocated FINIX will be distributed according to the percentage of votes within the category.
i. If do not get a vote, there is no additional FINIX reward according to the voting result.
ii. If no pools or farms within a category get a vote, the FINIX allocated to that category is distributed equally among each Pool, Farm, and Rebalancing farm.
4. Terms & Condition
In any case, the voting result is deemed to generate a negative influence on the Definix ecosystem and its tokenomics, the result of the voting is subject to adjustments, change, or removal.
Last updated
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